Bridle Smart thermostats

Bridle range of thermostats is specifically used in HVAC systems for enhancing their operations and makes them connected for organizing and control.

Bridle manages average room temperature to enhance saving and comfort. Bridle Learns your changing heat load routine and dynamically changes the setpoint in high resolution by maintaining average room temperature requirements. Bridle also automatically turns down the temperature when nobody is in the room/workspace.

Bridle Smart thermostats lock predefined set temperatures and avoid tampering with the temperatures by individual users in an organization which improves comfort level by avoiding wastage of cooling; as directed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power – Govt. of India on its recommendation to maintain setpoint at 24C/25C to conserve energy conservation and reduction of GHC/CO2 emission.

Effortless energy savings upto to 30%.

Just select your preferred savings and sit back and relax as your thermostat’s Operations are optimized for you—like magic! (Scheduling Applicable with Smart Switch Series).

Receive energy use snapshots.

Track what you save, see how your savings is calculated, and get monthly energy reports with helpful tips. (Applicable with Smart Energy Series)

Lower your carbon footprint.

Since over half of energy use is for air conditioning, better cooling management is a great way to lower your impact.

Quick Return on Investment

Bridle’s Payback time is less than 12 Months.

Enhanced HVAC management

Bridle thermostats can be monitored in real-time from a cloud application, Key parameters of HVAC are recorded for detailed reports and troubleshooting HVAC operations.

Cloud Management Overview:

Centralized control – IoT-based Real-time Management & Monitoring of all HVACs reduces manpower and helps to operate equipment from a single window interface. which also improves the life of HVAC equipment by optimal working. Advanced data analysis helps in detecting hidden operational inefficiencies and energy wastage.

The cloud platform is designed to provide auto-generated daily reports and graphs for analysis which includes historic data which helps in monitoring and reviewing the working condition of the unit.

The cloud platform is safe and secured with advanced encryptions and data is reviewed only by the owner of the equipment.

This management console provided access to schedule the equipment temperature and runtime remotely and also helps you gain insight into equipment performance, verify service and predict equipment failures.


Key Features:
  • View & manage all connected HVAC equipment from a single window.
  • Manage equipment using their asset number, HVAC type, location, etc…
  • Monitor active and inactive devices.
  • View and analyze system efficiency.
  • Histograms to understand the spread of data along with time series temperature treads and load conditions.
  • Create condition-based SMS/EMAIL alerts during runtime for identified faults and failures.
  • Hierarchy-based user management for secure and controlled user management.



Cost savings through better energy efficiency

Increases compressor life; lower AMC costs

Simple, affordable and yet powerful value

Go Green, eligible for carbon credits